water powered sump pump disadvantages

The sump pump is not turning on automatically? Learn how to troubleshoot and fix it.

In order to keep water out of your basement or crawl space and away from your home, you should install a sump pump. Having a working sump pump is crucial, especially before and after a storm. Water damage and expensive repairs are possible if your sump pump doesn’t activate automatically. In this piece, we’ll go through the most common causes of automated sump pump failure and how to remedy them.

Causes of a sump pump not turning on automatically

It’s irritating when the automatic activation of the sump pump, which is necessary to prevent water damage to your property, doesn’t work. In this detailed tutorial, we’ll delve into the most frequent reasons for sump pump failure and offer troubleshooting and repair advice to keep your home dry at all times.

1. Stuck or faulty float switch

When a sump pump fails to turn on automatically, one of the possible causes is a stuck or faulty float switch. This component plays a critical role in activating the pump when the water level rises, and any malfunction can disrupt the system’s operation.

Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting this issue involves a detailed approach, including checking the float switch and ensuring that it is not stuck or clogged with debris.

Fixing: In case of a blockage, the float switch needs to be cleaned with a soft brush or cloth. However, if the float switch is faulty or damaged, it may require replacement to restore the pump’s automatic activation.

2. Clogged or dirty intake screen

A filthy or obstructed intake screen might also prevent a sump pump from activating on its own. This part prevents debris from entering the pump, which is important since it can prevent the pump’s automated activation from happening.

Troubleshooting: The intake screen must be thoroughly cleaned and free of debris before this problem can be fixed. Pump removal and thorough cleaning of the intake screen may be required.

Fixing: However, if the intake screen is broken or worn out beyond repair, it may need to be replaced before the pump can resume its automated operation.

3. Overheated motor

An overheated motor is another potential cause of a sump pump’s failure to turn on automatically. If the motor becomes too hot, it can trigger the pump to shut off automatically, leading to further difficulties in restarting the system.

Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting this issue requires allowing the motor to cool down before attempting to restart the pump.

Fixing: Once the motor has cooled down, it is essential to check for any signs of motor damage or wear that may have caused the overheating. If necessary, the motor may need to be replaced to restore the pump’s automatic function.

4. Faulty check valve

A faulty check valve can also be the culprit behind a sump pump’s failure to turn on automatically. This component’s role is to prevent water from flowing back into the sump pit, and any damage or malfunction can cause the pump to turn on and off frequently and fail to activate automatically.

Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting this issue involves checking the check valve and replacing it if necessary.

Fixing: If the check valve is found to be damaged or worn, it needs to be replaced to restore the pump’s automatic function.

5. Tripped circuit breaker

A tripped circuit breaker is another possible cause of a sump pump’s failure to turn on automatically. If the circuit breaker trips, it prevents the pump from receiving power and activating automatically.

Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting this issue requires resetting the circuit breaker and checking that it is not overloaded.

Fixing: However, if the circuit breaker keeps tripping, it may indicate an electrical issue that requires professional repair to restore the pump’s automatic function.

6. Damaged power cord

The failure of an automatic sump pump to activate could also be due to a faulty power cord. Damage to the power cord prevents the pump from getting power and starting on its own.

Troubleshooting: The first step in diagnosing this problem is checking the power cord for damage like cuts or fraying.

Fixing: If the power cord is damaged, replacing it is the only way to get the pump to run automatically again.

7. Incorrect installation

A sump pump that doesn’t activate automatically may have been improperly installed. The pump won’t work properly or turn on automatically if it isn’t fitted properly.

Troubleshooting: Fixing this problem requires double-checking the installation to make sure it conforms to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Fixing: An incorrect installation will prevent the pump from operating automatically; therefore, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing a new pump.

Maintaining a sump pump that is not turning on automatically

To maintain the optimal functionality of your sump pump, two crucial factors must be considered: perplexity and burstiness. These elements will guarantee that the content produced possesses the necessary level of complexity and variation to captivate the reader. Thus, we present the following tips for maintaining a sump pump with the desired levels of perplexity and burstiness:

First and foremost, regular cleaning and maintenance practices are paramount to ensuring the sump pump operates effectively. To avert clogs and buildup that could impair its functionality, it is advisable to clean the sump pump and intake screen regularly.

Secondly, enlisting the services of a professional to inspect your sump pump at least once a year is essential. This step will guarantee that the sump pump operates optimally, ensuring that any issues are identified and addressed promptly to prevent unexpected malfunctions that could lead to costly repairs.

Lastly, installing a backup power source, such as a battery backup or generator, is critical to the continued operation of your sump pump in the event of a power outage. This measure will ensure that your sump pump remains functional and prevent any potential damage to your property.


In conclusion, a sump pump is an essential piece of equipment that helps keep your house dry and secure from flooding. In order to keep your house safe and dry, you should familiarize yourself with the most common reasons for sump pump failure and perform the preventative maintenance and repairs recommended in this article. Checking and servicing your sump pump on a regular basis will prolong its life and keep your property safe from flooding.

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